A Bit About Us
A bit about us
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
“Connect For Life” started in October 2016, the dream began to form many years earlier over cups of coffee and chats between Alison and Carolyn. Both worked for the NHS and shared the thought that one day they would like to open a high quality Day Centre for Older People.
Alison and Carolyn had a particular concern for older people, especially those with memory difficulties or dementia who are often isolated, lack confidence or feel unable to go out. Whilst working as a Dementia Support Worker Alison met many carers who were struggling with the challenges of caring for someone with dementia and who were often longing for even a few hours away from their caring role.
The dream didn’t go away and in the summer of 2016 they decided to see if they could make their dream a reality developing the vision to provide a day support service for older people, particularly those with memory difficulties or dementia, providing carers with an opportunity to have a few hours to recharge their batteries.
The aim of is to provide a stimulating session, a quality day support service and a shared meal in a welcoming, caring environment.
Since our first session on October 5th 2016 we have continued to grow and develop and feedback from referrers, service users and carers continues to be overwhelmingly positive.